Waiting for results

Nico's appointment this morning was ok.  She felt the lump, decided it was a lymph node and then checked all the other lymph nodes on his body.  Including the ones in his groin, much to his embarrassment.    She told us that the fact that it was movable and small were good things.  She offered three choices.  1. wait and see what it does.  2. Do blood work.  3.  Blood work and an ultrasound.  She suggested the middle road so that is what we have done.  

He had blood drawn this morning.  They are running a CBC and an EBP, which I am going to google in a moment as I have no idea what that checks for.  We should know the results in a few days.  She would not, however, speculate on what might be the cause.  I can respect that.

Thanks for all the sweet thoughts in the comments.  
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