To blog or not to blog

I have been blogging for 9 years.  I have loved it.  It seems I have no readers anymore and perhaps anyone that needs information from me is my friend in Facebook.  I am considering dropping the blog.

Any protests?
5 Responses
  1. Well I'm here and I read. :) But I completely understand wanting to take a (short or long) break. Maybe I'll go search you out on FB.... :)


  2. Angela Says:

    I read it. You definitely post more information about something here than you do on FB. I'm the same way with my FB and blog.

  3. Amy Says:

    I read it too. But if you decide not to blog anymore, I'll still be your friend! ;o) I can still keep up with ya' on FB... You're a busy girl, so just do what works for you! :o)

  4. Anna Says:

    I still read!!!
    just been a little busy! but feel free to add me on facebook

  5. *Monica Says:

    Thanks guys, I am going to keep up the blog then. I do enjoy doing it sometimes and just seem so busy, but some is better than none!

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