Grieving again

Nana Shirley joined her son, mother, sisters and others in heaven earlier this evening.  I know I am happy for her.  I know it is silly to cry.  But, its just too soon.  I haven't recovered from Michael passing. 

I will be a big girl tomorrow.  I need to cry and cry hard now.
2 Responses
  1. Anna Says:

    Thinking and praying for you during this difficult time.

  2. Mary Tyler Says:

    It is hard to know they are in a better place and try to not let the feelings of loss overwhelm us. You feeling are very natural and I think God gave them to us to experience to make us better servants. I do not feel grieving over a loved one is being selfish, it is being a child of Christ and we are his earthly tears as another child comes home to him, but he loses another warrior for Him in the earthly battle to winning other children to His kingdom.

    My prayers are with you as you lose someone close to you and your support team. (((HUG))))

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