Heart break

Last night, I developed incredible nausea and chest pain, like a rock in the middle of my chest.  Sooo, I took some aspirin and called my parents.  They came over and escorted me to the E. R.  Five hours, multiple medications, blood work and a CT scan later it was determined that I was not and had not had a heart attack.

BUT, they found a weird anomaly on my CT scan.  For those of you whose speak medical terminology here is the report.
Impression- No pulmonary emboli detected
Probable left coronary artery anomaly (see below)
Findings-CT sections from thoracic inlet to upper abdomen with IV contrast.

No pulmonary emboli detected.

No areas of lobar or segmental airspace consolidation.  No pneumothorax.

Left coronary artery appears to arise from right coronary sinus, apparent retro-aortic course of proximal left coronary artery noted.  No mediastinal mass or hematoma.  No evidence of thoracic aortic dissection.  
No rib fractures detected.

In plain English, I might be routed wrong.  Which could be a problem.  I see a cardiologist a week from today, which is actually fast, I have been told.  They want me to start on Lopressor as my heart rate is remaining high.

There is a chance that what the reading radiologist saw was a shadow or something.  I am assuming they will repeat the CT scan or do some other kind of test.

I have a bad habit of finding out something like this and seeing symptoms in my past that totally correlate with the diagnosis.  I have had multiple out of breath episodes in the past attributed to exercise induced asthma that could be this instead.  I have been three separate times to ER in the last ten years with chest pain, but a CT scan wasn't done on those occasions.  They were called panic attacks.

From what I can decipher online, this is a pretty rare occurrence and might be genetic.  The most common treatment for this is surgery to reposition the artery (aggressive approach).  Regular use of Beta blockers (passive approach) is used less often.

BUT AGAIN, it could be a shadow or something on the scan.

In other news, I colored my hair brown instead of the usual red in an effort to see less roots before time to color, I like it ok

4 Responses
  1. Heather Says:

    Oh dear. I am hoping it was a shadow, altho I would want to know why you were having the chest pains and shortness of breath.

    At any rate...I hope all is well and thankfully they got you in quick.

    P.S. Love the color

  2. Sleep Goblin Says:

    Man, your post title totally scared me. But no heart attack is good news, and at least this sounds fixable, right?


  3. Sheila Says:

    I too hope it isn't anything! good luck with the meds...at least they are watching you now!!!

  4. Wow. I'm sorry you're having these symptoms. It's a good thing that you're getting everything checked out fully. Try not to worry....

    {and cute hair}


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