Dad update

He is still here with us, but not expected to improve.  I have been given the password to speak with the ICU nurses directly and that has been a blessing.  They all have beautiful southern accents that make me so homesick.  They are incredibly sweet and honest.

I like honest.

Mike is the biggest patriot that I know.  He never passes the American flag without saluting.  He ends all phone calls and letters with the words God Bless America.  This morning I asked his nurse to please tell him that Monica and the boys say Happy 4th of July.  If he can hear her, that will make him smile.  It's a silly thing to think, but if he has to die, I think he would like knowing it was on Independence Day.

We are still praying for a healing miracle though.  I am selfish like that.
1 Response
  1. Angela Says:

    It's not selfish Monica. We never want to see something happen to our parents. Still giving him all the positive thoughts I can.

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