Fur babies!

Today was big surprise day.  After a crazy drive in some snowy conditions the kids were loosing their mind with curiosity  Every guess under the sun was made, but none were right.  Then we arrived at a strangers house to see this!!  The sweetie we had driven all that way for!!

And because we never leave a man behind it turned into bonus kitten day.

They are very skittish at the moment and loving being together in the pet carrier.  I have them in the family room so they can adjust to all the noise and movement.  We know AddyMae is a girl, but Artimus I am not sure of. I just can't get her to hold still to confirm.  The vet will find out when they go for the snip snip!

Merry Christmas!!!
1 Response
  1. Anna Says:

    They're beautiful congrats on the new additions...the last time we went to get a kitten we came home with 2 cause we couldn't bare to separate them...it's a rough life! enjoy!

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