Feeling Groovy or is that Gravy?

I am so so ready for Thanksgiving.  Mom and I went over the list together to decide who is making what today.  I am actually getting off easy.  Ok, I get off easy every year.  My dad does the bird although it gets cooked in my oven.  Mom does most of the desserts and side dishes.  I have graduated from only the relish tray to relish tray, muffins, potatoes, and a few other minor things.  I am really spoiled when it comes to holiday meals.  My mother is an amazing cook and loves to do it.

The boys stayed home from school today.  I think we got some bad burgers last night at the McD's drive thru.  There were some unhappy tummies here today.  All is well now.  Everybody is sleeping like a baby, even the baby.

Random thought:
Whole grain Goldfish crackers are just as yummy as the original.
4 Responses
  1. I get it easier on thanksgiving cause I dont have to make anything lol. Christmas is a different story though

  2. Sleep Goblin Says:

    AREN'T THEY????? I found them and tried them and was so amazed!

    Happy Thanksgiving! Rob makes our turkey, and it's about to go into the brine. Or he's grounded :P

  3. I definitely get off easy as well. I've only cooked one Thanksgiving turkey (when we were first married and lived far from family), and I was a nervous wreck the entire day!!

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

  4. C. Beth Says:

    I love the whole grain goldfish!

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